.: guestbook :.
Welcome to the Metalpics.ch guestbook!
Feel free to leave some traces and let us know what you think about the site and the pics.
By: meridian
Date: 2004-07-04
Time: 21:01
Hi Shelley!
I think I saw you at Koria-Roll too if you´re blackhaired and quite short :>. Unfortunately it was raining but still the Entwine gig was awesome. I hope you got brilliant pics.
Have fun with Entwine guys and have a great time here in Finland!
By: Laura aka Zida
Date: 2004-07-03
Time: 22:24
I saw you @Koria-Roll today. You took lots of pics from(?) Entwine.
And these pics are so fine.
By: Marco
Date: 2004-06-30
Time: 11:57
Wünsche Dir schöne Ferien, Komplimente für Deine Website und die Fotos!
By: grin
Date: 2004-06-24
Time: 11:31
Society 1 pics
Hallo Shelley!
Sind die Pix von Society 1/Godhead/Satanic Sluts im Abart zu schlecht geworden für die Website? Würde sie so gerne sehen.
Schöne Ferien und viel Spass in Finland!
By: Denise
Date: 2004-05-26
Time: 01:01
Impressive photos
Hi Shelley, I am a band photog as well. Passionate about music and photogarphy all the way. Loved the HIM pics that you took, I saw linked on www.heartagram.com
Here's my site: www.stellarphotography.photosite.com
Cheers! Denise
By: Victor
Date: 2004-05-17
Time: 23:23
Nice site
What a good site. These pictures are all amazing, I have not seen one bad one!!! Man, I wish I could save some of these to my computer.....
.: visitors :.
5995404 since Sept 11th, 2002