.: guestbook :.
Welcome to the Metalpics.ch guestbook!
Feel free to leave some traces and let us know what you think about the site and the pics.
By: ibraxis
Date: 2007-08-31
Time: 20:54
what? you dont like drummers?
the bands i checked out not one pic of the drummer.
whats up with that?
other than that good pic. keep up the good work.
By: Bret Hoffmann
Date: 2007-08-17
Time: 05:14
Great pictures as always!
Can always count on you to deliver the best pics ever - thanks!
By: H.L.
Date: 2007-08-15
Time: 00:03
picz MC and BA
Hey... great pics on this site. Sublime. I contacted you about some fotos through mail. Please get back to me soon...
Keep up the good work.
By: rob sherred
Date: 2007-08-13
Time: 18:03
brutal assault
Hey Shelly,cool to meet you the other day at the hotel/festival,thank you for the cookies again. hope your friends arm gets unbroken soon!!!! i did sound for She said destroy, Gorerotted and Cynic.hope you got some great pictures
By: Cali
Date: 2007-08-08
Time: 12:40
Hi Shelley
wi häsch? immer chli am umäreisä?
ich han dänkt ich chum mal wieder go inäluegä...
S hät würkli geili pics uf dinärä Page!!! Vilicht gits ja au gli welchi vo eus ;o)
Wänd Luscht und Ziit häsch chasch ja mal inäluegä under;
Gruess Cali
By: al
Date: 2007-07-20
Time: 02:57
hmm, how come theres only pics of jacob, pepe and a bit of heinz from the tuska gig? would have loved to see the 2 new guys in action :(
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