.: guestbook :.
Welcome to the Metalpics.ch guestbook!
Feel free to leave some traces and let us know what you think about the site and the pics.
By: Goldlocke
Date: 2004-10-26
Time: 21:07
Hi Shelley.
Kompliment an Deine Site.
Gute Aufmachung, schöne Fotos!
Es grüsst,
By: :o))
Date: 2004-10-25
Time: 22:10
Ich finde Deine Homepage Super !!! Hut ab !!!
Wie sieht es aus.....Interviews Du keine Band,s ?????
By: Riccardo
Date: 2004-10-19
Time: 22:42
hi webmistress, your site is fuckin' cool! please add some pics of my band www.blasphemer.it! or just sign the guestbook :-)
Ma perkè magniezzio è incazzato con cala?
By: Maurice
Date: 2004-10-13
Time: 22:25
I see people still gratulate you with the site, so I cannot stay behind ;-) gratulations from the whole Occult crew, you do a good job, continue doing it and keep following the path to your dreams! now up to 5 years ;-)
By: Matze
Date: 2004-10-13
Time: 14:33
Happy Birthday to metalpics.ch
Hey Zeli!
Gratulation zum zwöijährige! Viu Glück u Spass ir Zukunft mit Dim Hobby, u villech wird's ja tatsächlich irgend einisch meh!
Zieh Dis Ding düre!
Grüessli u bis gly!
By: irene
Date: 2004-10-10
Time: 22:25
great job man
.: visitors :.
6001531 since Sept 11th, 2002