.: guestbook :.
Welcome to the Metalpics.ch guestbook!
Feel free to leave some traces and let us know what you think about the site and the pics.
By: macak;)
Date: 2005-12-08
Time: 14:45
huhu from LA ;)
huhu:# dunno why i CAN NOT send any messeges today...:((((
and i tried on MSN but u were not there...:( pusa anyway!
By: Lin
Date: 2005-12-04
Time: 12:57
About the pics
The pictures r all good
And this is the first time that
enter in ur site
The thing is , and i thought that u might have
not only "concert"s pictures
but also all kind of pictures
of a band
wll i guess no
but ur site still great!
By: Hogan
Date: 2005-11-23
Time: 18:31
EXODUS & HYPOCRISY am 1.12. live in Cham/ Bayern!!!
Am 1.12. werden EXODUS & HYPOCRISY die Chamer Stadthalle zum Einsturz bringen!!!
Weitere Infos unter www.moshclub.de im FORUM oder unter TERMINE!!!
See you!!!
P.S.: Es wäre super, wenn ihr diese Mail an möglichst viele Kumpels weiterleiten könntet!!! Danke!!!
By: Keule
Date: 2005-11-18
Time: 13:57
Achtung!!! Das METALLIGA OPEN AIR in VORARLBERG am 16 und 17 JUNI 2006. Mehr Infos findet ihr auf http://www.rebelyell.tv
Überhaupt die Seite im Österreichischen Westen für Metal Music und Partner von http://www.helvete.at
Keine Popstarbands, Astreine Metalkracher.
2 TAGE - 25 BANDS. 2tages Ticket nur 35,- Euro!!!
By: visitor X
Date: 2005-11-08
Time: 00:24
good page, nice pictures and beautifull webmistress.
keep working.
Date: 2005-11-04
Time: 13:48
Our pix
Thanx a lot for our great pictures from FTC Germany. Great webside !!! Sick Greetings from Poland !!!
.: visitors :.
5999545 since Sept 11th, 2002